Botanical & Herbs Flavored Nicotine Pouches

Botanical & Herbs Flavored Nicotine Pouches | Looking for something different? Botanical and herb-flavored pouches add a fresh twist to your nicotine experience. Enjoy the crisp, menthol-like kick of eucalyptus or the floral sweetness of elderflower. These flavors offer a more refined and refreshing taste. Perfect for those who love natural, earthy flavors with a modern edge. Some even combine with subtle citrus or spice for an extra flavor boost. Perfect for those who love natural, earthy flavors with a modern edge. Check out our range and find your perfect pouch today!

botanical herbs flavored nicotine pouches

Nicotine Pouch Flavors

VAROITUS: Tämä tuote sisältää nikotiinia. Nikotiini on addiktiivinen kemikaali.